Join our live Q&A on medicine use

Don’t forget today (7 May) between 6.30-7.30pm Farmers Weekly will be hosting a live online Q&A on medicine use.

It follows on from the launch of our Making Sense of Medicines campaign and will provide you with an opportunity to get any questions that may have arisen over the past few weeks answered by a team of experts.

Joining us will be Suzanne Eckford from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and Peter Harlech Jones, president of the British Veterinary Association.

Are you worried about wormer resistance or would you like to know about targeted antibiotics use at drying off?

It’s easy to get involved on the night. All you have to do is join in the real time conversation below from 6.30pm.

Don’t worry if you can’t take part on the night. You can still get involved by emailing your questions to