Livestock 2012 – Bruce & Darlington in Brown Swiss Championship


492012 Brown Swiss Champ web.JPGBy Simon Wragg

Brown Swiss exhibitors E Bruce and C Darlington took the breed’s Champion and Reserve titles at today’s Livestock Show 2012, NEC, under the watchful eye of US-based judge Jay Fledderjohann.

The home-bred second calver Moonriver Etvei Jemma took the Champion’s title having calved in March and now giving 30 litres/day. “We have 60 Brown Swiss and 50 Holsteins in the herd but are moving to all Brown Swiss for their strength and ease of management,” explained Robert Darlington.

Also taking the breed’s Reserve Champion with the senior cow in milk Constance Amelia, the partnership saw T Lochhead & Sons’ Kedar TD Reia make Honourable Mention.

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