More early Willsbro Holstein prices

Here are the latest prices from the early sale lots here at Willsbro.

Selling at 2000gns was Willsbro Plaid Barb, a Windy Knowle Ridge Plaid daughter out of Riverdane Iron Barb, a Boss Iron daughter. This one (lot 13) is bred from seven generations of EX or VG dams.

Before that at 1900gns was Willsbro Shottle Australia, a Shottle daughter out of Willsbro Advent Australia, a KHW Kite Advent Red daughter.

Then came the first milker of the day Smiddiehill Shottle Bea, a Shottle daughter out of Smiddiehill Milan Beaann. This one was knocked down at 2600gns to Mr Hodges, having been bought at the Smiddiehill sale for 2000gns.

Following her was Riverdane Sho Beauty (lot 16), an August 2007-born milker by Shottle and out of Riverdane Carnation Beauty, an Ex90 classified dam, which sold at 6000gns to Andrew Bunting, Scotland.

Another milker, January calved Willsbro Shottle Beauty (lot 18), a Shottle daughter out of Topmark Ruddolph Beauty then sold away at 5400gns. Her sister, this time by MD-Delight Durham Atlas then sold at 3200gns having been born last February, while a brrother, also by Atlas was snapped up at the same money.