More Monday Royal Welsh Show sheep results

After a long day’s judging, here are more of the sheep results from today’s judging.

In the pedigree section of the Welsh Mountains the championship went to M N and J H Williams with their aged ram, reserve was J E Jones with their shearling ewe.

The Hill Welsh Mountains were won by Enoc Jenkins with an aged tup, while the reserve was also Mr Jenkins, this time with a shearling ewe.

Taking the South Wales Mountain championship was R D Groucott with a shearling ewe, reserve was S and E Williams with a shearling ram.

Black Welsh Mountain champion was Patricia Laws with a shearling ram, reserve were Will and Sam Workman with a shearling ewe.

Torddu Badger Face Welsh Mountain champion was a shearling tup from G H Jones, reserve was C A and R Joseph with a shearling ewe.

In the Hill Radnors the champion was D C Jones with a shearling ewe and reserve was P M Jones with a ewe lamb.

The Brecknock Hill Cheviot was David Jerman with an aged ram, reserve was Huw Williams with a shearling ewe. Border Leicester champion was D R and E A Jones with a two shear ewe, reserve was Sue Martyn with an aged tup.