Faccenda grows sales and profit from poultry

Another year of steady advance has been recorded by the Faccenda Group in financial results for the year to 27 April, 2013, continuing the improvement seen in 2012.
“Fresh poultry represented good value to cash-squeezed consumers throughout the trading period and, as such, outperformed grocery as a whole in terms of sales and growth,” said the director’s report.
It points to increased sales in both volume and value, with the one exception of retail rotisserie sales, which were badly affected by the introduction of VAT in October 2012.
“Feed costs rose significantly year on year, with live poultry costs rising accordingly. Good support was received from all customers allowing the company to protect the integrity of its agricultural supply chain.
“Overall, relations with customers continued to strengthen in the wake of the challenges created by media analysis of meat supply chains, further supporting the company’s position on quality and provenance.”
The financial data shows during the 12 month period, total sales grew from £351m to £365m, while pretax profit was up from £3.45m to £5.03m.
The group also made a gross profit margin of 9.77% and a return on capital of 10.9% – both slightly better than in 2012.
For more company and business news, plus all the latest market prices for eggs and poultrymeat, check out the February issue of Poultry World