Gunter eyes up curly whirly rival

egg cupAs good looking cockerels go, Gunter, aka The Feathered Forager, has proved quite a head turner.

From Brussels to Bavaria, he has impressed with his sartorial elegance and trademark beedy eye. But now he has a rival.

Cockerel grows curly feathers, Henan province, China - 01 Dec 2013
This rather funky cockerel has been “papped” in a village in the central Henan province in China.

Hatched in April, the black cock looked quite ordinary in its first months, according to owner Zhang Yang.

But its appearance started to change after it molted and it began to develop a bouffant of curly feathers. It has since become an internet sensation.

Asked for his views on his curly whirly rival, Gunter was heard to mutter: “What a cock!”