MPs and Lords prepare for annual pun fight
The Westminster charity pancake race was once a regular in the pages of Poultry World, providing us with a guaranteed photo-op, laced with “egg-tastic” puns.
But all has been quiet in the past few years, to the extent that we were wondering if the annual “scramble” between MPs, Lords and Members of the Press had actually died a death.
We need not have worried. A news release entitled “It’s going to be Flippin-tastic” has just reached the inbox, pronouncing the 17th annual event to take place in Westminster on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March.
It seems the parliamentarians have already embarked on their training and “their pledge to perfect their pancake flipping skills is one promise they resolutely intend to stick to”. (Geddit?)
The press release also includes a number of fascinating facts about Shrove Tuesday, including that the word “shrove” is derived from “shrive”, meaning to “confess all sins”. Surprising, perhaps, that it still enjoys the support of so many politicians.