Nice Pecks, shame about the PR blurb

Having had his feathers ruffled by the “curly whirly” cockerel from central China, Gunter the Feathered Forager is now distraught following the arrival in the office this week of the latest Nice Pecks calendar from the Happy Egg Co.
THE (GREGORY) PECKS OF THE PACK: Ravishing roosters take cues fr
According to the accompanying PR blurb, “the 12 ravishing roosters were chosen from over 100 feathered fowl to take part in the annual Nice Pecks calendar, created to give flocks up and down the country some added hen-tertainment”.

“Taking cues from Hollywood’s best-known heart throbs, the calendar features a Light Brahma recreating John Travolta¹s moves in Saturday Night Fever and a Maran as James Bond. A Gold Appenzeller Spitzhauben is also pictured as cape crusader Batman.”

Nice Pecks was shot by renowned celebrity and fashion photographer Dan Kennedy, who has famously snapped stars including Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Lohan and Madonna.

“I was excited to be approached by the Happy Egg Co to take on this project as I already buy happy eggs and am aware of their commitment to hen welfare,” Mr Kennedy is quoted as having said. “This calendar is something totally different from anything I have done before.”