New training module from AMTRA

The Animal Health Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA) has launched a new Avian Module for domestic birds, covering husbandry, anatomy and disease recognition.

The module, which is aimed at existing SQPs (suitably qualified persons), as well as those new to supplying authorised medicines, comes partly in response to the rapid growth in the number of people keeping backyard poultry and the subsequent demand for bird health information and medicines.

“The module has quite a lot of anatomy in it, because it’s important to know how a bird works if you are going to look after it. We also look at disease recognition and concentrate on what SQPs are allowed to prescribe, in terms of licensed wormers and a few vaccines, and how and when these medicines should be used,” said vet Victoria Roberts, who contributed to the module.

“There is huge demand. Backyard chicken keeping is growing rapidly. There are believed to be around one million keepers in the UK, when 20 years ago there was just a tenth of that number. The whole point is to increase the welfare of these birds and educate the people who care for them,” she added.

The module is currently available for home study with exams around the country. Supportive training courses are expected to be available in the near future.

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