Simmental heifer with Limousin bull calf tops Leek sale

An excellent entry of 634 store and breeding cattle went under the hammer at Leek Auction Mart on Saturday, with the top price of £1,480 paid for a Simmental heiger with Limousin bull calf at foot from E J Beech of Cellarhead.

Other leading prices on the day included £1,210 paid for a Longhorn cow with bull calf at foot from Hartwood Farming.

In-calf cows topped at £,1180 for a Charolais from Sam Clowes of Endon who also achieved £1,130 for a Limousin cow. While in-calf heifers from Ms Ann Beech of Milton achieved up to £1,070 for the first of three Limousins.

Stock bulls topped at £1,260 for a Limousin from K Ede and Son of Tean, and £1,205 for a Simmental from J Fairfax.

Young bulls achieved up to £960 for a bunch of three Limousins from Jonathan Stretton who sold another pair for £950 of a similar age.

Meanwhile 12 months old Blonde d’Aquitaine bulls from Paul Mees sold for up to £830. And Herefords from A Sutton of Ipstones achieved up to £825 for a 9 months old bull with others of a similar age at £795.

An Aberdeen Angus bull from John Pegg realised £750 at 11 months, while British Blue bulls sold for up to £690 for a 10 months old from John Lockett.

The overall average for bulls was £581.

When the steers went under the hammer, there was a “very sharp trade” especially for smaller sorts; the top price of £1,370 was paid for a May 2010 Charolais from Miss S Roberts of Bosley. And other Charolais from the same vendor achieved up to £1,200 and £1,170 for similar aged cattle.

Limousin steers born in September 2010 from W T Mardling & Son of Stone topped at £1,230, with Mr Campbell of Whiston realising £1,155 and Mick Beech achieving £1,140 for a pair born in July 2010.

21 months old British Blue steers from L Mellor and Son of Blithbury realised up to £1,205,while a December 2010 born one from Geoff Goodwin of Wetley Rocks realised £,1080.

A & N Swinson of Gawsworth topped the Aberdeen Angus section with a 23 months old named sire beast realising £,1150. They also sold Hereford steers up to £1,100 at 23 months old.

Blonde d’Aquitaine steers from L Mellor and Son achieved up to £1,070 at 22 months. While Simmental steers from George Bailey of Rushton achieved up to £990.

A bunch of younger Charolais steers from R Hall of Poynton sold at £875.

And black and white steers were again in strong demand with the top price being £965 with others at £905.

The overall average for steers was £816.

Heifers achieved a top price of £1,175 for a December 2009 Charolais beast from John Pegg with other Charolais achieving up to £1,040 from Miss S Roberts of Bosley.

A bunch of strong 24 month old Belgian Blue heifers from J T Bunting and Co of Thorpe sold for £1,130, and a pair of excellent shaped Belgians from Stuart Talbot of Gratwich, aged 18 months old, sold for £1,015.

Meanwhile 24 months old Limousin heifers from Robert Platts of Scropton achieved £1,070, and a bunch of four Limousins from J T Bunting and Co, again 24 months old, sold for £1,030.

Younger British Blue heifers from J Goldstraw achieved £980.

Two year old Hereford heifers from A & N Swinson of Gawsworth exchanged hands for £880.

The overall average for heifers was £73