Video: High-tech machine to revolutionise slurry pollution problem
While there has been a reduction in water pollution problems over recent years in England, agriculture is now the sector responsible for the largest number of serious incidents.
In this video we go to South West Wales, where over 60% of water pollution cases are traced back to agriculture.
The Welsh government and industry, however, are determined to help farmers bring this down, and a project between Gelli Aur College and Power & Water, Swansea is aimed at doing just that.
A revolutionary machine has been built, the only one in the world, to help the dairy industry reduce pollution from slurry.
Not only does it remove pollutants, but also puts valuable nutrients and clean water back into the farming cycle.
See also: New system could reduce slurry volume by 80%
The project hopes the machine will be commercially available in two years’ time and they are making cost effectiveness central to the plans.
Ffermio presenter, Meinir Howells, visits the project to see how the machine works and what dairy farmers at the launch event think of the technology.
Ffermio is the only television programme in Britain which specifically deals with agricultural issues, as well as providing all the news relevant to farmers and the wider audience.
It is a weekly magazine programme for S4C that discusses a wide range of topics from animal health, food production and conservation.
Join the presenters, Daloni Metcalfe, Alun Elidyr and Meinir Howells for the latest agricultural stories.

Ffermio presenters (left to right Alun Elidyr, Meinir Howells, Daloni-Metcalfe)