Staffs Show: Interbreed show results
Interbreed: RM Birch’s British Blue cow Boomer DNKY; res, RM Birch’s Simmental cow Treetops Tallulah.
Hereford: PJ and AC Allman’s bull Greenyards 1 Falcon; res, DE, ED and AL Jones’ cow Powys Dendor 1 Jennifer 8th
British Charolais: E Lee’s heifer Mortimers Delight; res, ED Marshall’s Killadeas Barney.
Simmental RM Birch’s cow Treetops Tallulah; res, L Pennington’s Annick Vesuvius
Limousin P Dawes’ heifer Dinmore Elle; res, P Dawes’ Dinmore Expert
British Blue RM Birch’s cow Boomer BKNY; res, M Froggatt’s cow Boomer Chelsea
Highland P Edwards’ heifer Alleag OG 29 Millerston; res, P Edwards’ bull Ulysses of Hellifield.
Longhorn EM Hallifield’s cow Dunstall Gaiety; res, PJ and JM Robinson’s heifer Blackden Jill.
AOB BJ McClintock’s Aberdeen Angus bull Chathill Eugo F230; res, BJ McClintock’s Aberdeen Angus cow Duncanziemere Proud Ilena G254.
Commercial BE Williams’ heifer; res, A Bishop’s Lim X heifer
Interbreed N Madeley’s Dairy Shorthorn cow Nejay Erin 2; res, S&S Murray (Farms)’
Holstein EM Wolfenden and P and GA Rawcliffe’s cow Oakland Manhathen Glorette; res, WJ Nadin and YK Bradbury’s cow Hyclass Roy Anna
Jersey S&S
Dairy Shorthorn N Madeley’s cow Nejay Erin 2; res, R Stockton’s heifer Westonia Gay Lass
Dexter L and J Horton’s bull Apple Ceasar; res, WJ Rushton’s heifer Manorial Busy Lizziy
Interbreed R&R Powell’s Kerry Hill ram; res, RS and JA Gregory’s Charollais ewe
Suffolk K Thomas’ shearling ram; res, K Thomas’ ram lamb.
Texel P Johnson ram; res, P Johnson’s ewe.
Charollais RS and JA Gregory’s ewe; res, RS and JA Gregory’s ram lamb
Shropshire AL and ME Webb’s ewe; res, PJ and AI Schofield’s ewe lamb
Beltex A Bishop’s ewe lamb; res, A Bishop’s shearling ram
AOB Native E Pocock’s Polled Dorset ewe; res,
AOB Continental P Tait’s Rouge ram; res, P Tait’s Rouge ram
Jacob I Smith’s ram; res, RF Price’s ewe.
Ryeland JR Morgan’s ram; res, K Edgecombe’s ewe.
Southdown C Rhead’s ram lamb; res, D Hulme’s ram lamb.
Kerry Hill R and R Powell’s ram; res, R F Price’s ram.
Interbreed SJ Richardson and AJ Wood’s Large Black sow; res, CG and SJ Howes’
Welsh CD Vaughan’s gilt; res, C Walton’s gilt.
Hampshire JR Sutcliffe’s gilt; res, JR Sutcliffe’s sow
AOB Modern DG Brock’s sow; res, S Ashcroft’s boar.
Middle White J Herbert’s boar; res, SJ Richardson and AJ Wood’s gilt.
British Saddleback JR and ML Wreakes’ sow; res, B and M Mulkeen’s boar
Gloucester Old Spot JK Wild’s gilt; res, JK Wild’s boar.
Large Black SJ Richardson and AJ Wood’s sow; res, GG and DC Wickstead’s gilt.
Berkshire F Fieldhouse & Son’s sow; res, T Bretherton’s gilt.
AOB Traditional CG and SJ Howes’ Tamworth sow; res, CG and SJ Howes’
BPA Pig of the Year qualifier T Bretherton’s