Texel tops the trade at Kelso at £14,000


(hutch)3616s web.jpgA top price of £14,000 for a Texel shearling was the highlight of the day’s trading at Kelso ram sales where 4552 rams were sold to a total of £2,897,245. The average price overall was £636. The lamb section was led by an £8000 bid for a Suffolk.


The Texel sale topper was consigned by A Gray and Son, Langside who sold 26 shearlings to average £2612. The three highest priced shearlings were all Texels – E J and A M Fox, Elsdonburn College Texels sold at £11,000 (below) and Mrs K Wight, Midlock sold at £5,500.



(hutch)1430s web.jpg A Blue faced Leicester shearling (below) from J and J Cunningham, Parkgatestone made £5000.


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Three Suffolks led the lambs. One from the Rhaeadr flock of north Wales breeder M Evans made £8000 (below).



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This was followed by £4800 given for a shearling from Dan Tynan’s Ardlea flock in Co Laois.



(hutch)4070 web.jpg Robbie Wilson made up the trio taking £3200 with an entry from his Strathisla flock.  


The overall average was slightly down compared with the £649 achieved last year when the day’s total earnings were £2,895,770 for 4457 rams sold.


The sale was organised by the Border Union Agricultural Society.


Other leading prices:


£9500 from A Gray & Sons:


(hutch)Texel001s web.jpg