Charolais class judging results

Here’s a run of class results from the charolais bull judging.

Class 4:

1. Newroddige Charolais’ Newroddige Elvis (lot 635) by Farleycopse Turbo

2. Mr M McGahan’s Chunal Ewan (lot 640) by Brampton Nacodar

3. H R Wood’s Woodline Equity (lot 639) by Suzeringie

Class 5:

1. G M Jones’ Esgob Euros 9lot 650) by Thrunton Virinian

2. D F Fattorin’s Fairway Experian (lot 643) by Fairway Soprano

3. J H C Campbell and Sons’ Thrunton Escort (lot 653) by Newhouse Bigal

Class 6:

1. W P bruce’s Balmyle Echo (lot 660) by Sackville Adonis

 2. K C Veith’s Camross Emerald (lot 665) by Doonally Olmeto

3. JHC Campbell and Sons’ Thrunton Esquire (lot 6610 by Newhouse Bigal

Class 7:

1. R A Milne’s Elgin Emperor (lot 675) by Balmyle Bollinger

2. JHC campbell and Sons’ thrunton Emblem (lot 670) by newhouse Bigal

3. G W Turner’s Brampton Escort 9lot 673) by Billingley Siralex

Class 8:

1. S and D Bothwell’s killadeas Egbert (lot 686) by Dunlock Ulick

2. J Jeffrey’s Kersnowe Einstein (lot 689) by Kersnowe Topmodel

3. W P Bruce’s Balmyle Era (lot 684) by Sackville Adonis

Class 9:

1. D E Evans’ Maerdy Eog (lot 697) by thrunton Voldermort

2. I and D Goldie’s Solwayfirth Elvis (lot 702) by Solwayfirth Banker

3. N R Barclay’s Harestone Enzo (lot 698) by Harestone Tyrol

Class 10:

1. Boden and Davies’ Sportsmans’ Etambo (lot 710) by Thrunton Voldermort

2. C O McAskie’s Mount Eros (lot 111) by Corrie Alan

3. D E Evans’ Maerdy Emlyn (lot 714) by Thrunton Voldermort

Class 11:

1. JHC Campbell and Sons’ Thrunton Elderado (lot 724) by Burradon Talisman

2. J H christie’s westcarse Eagle (lot 719) by Farleycopse Turbo

3. M and J Hayhurst’s Whitecliffe Enrico (lot 729) by Balmyle Vendetta