Whitebred Shorthorns sell at 2000gns

Topping a small entry of Whitebred Shorthorn cattle at Carlisle on Friday was the overall champion Parton Degree from local breeders Messrs Hewson.


Selling for 2000gns, this Broadleyfold Craig sired March 2007 born bull out of Parton Suzanna, sold to J Savery and Son, Totnes, Devon.



 At 1700gns Carlisle-based breeders R and D Telford sold Hole-of-Lyne Trevor, a Row Jordan son to J Story, Newcastleton, while Messrs Hewson sold another, Parton Quartz at 1500gns to C W McAllister, Isle of Arran.


Averages 5 bulls ÂŁ1123.50; 1 female ÂŁ472.50 (Harrison and Hetherington).