Willsbro rule Dairy Event interbreed line up
The interbreed championship in the Dairy lines here at the Dairy Event and Livestock Show has just been awarded and for the second year running it went to the Wills family, Wadebridge Cornwall. Lifting the honours for the family’s 1100 cow Willsbro herd was fifth lactation cow Bassingthorpe Leader Dilys, a Comestar Leader daughter.
Having given 13,863 litres in her fourth lactation, Dilys has given 13,669 so far in 280 days of her fifth milking and was bought from the Riverdane herd of Mark Nutsford last year. She was also breed champion at this year’s National Holstein Show.
Reserve spot was the Jersey champion from the Emma Murray,Wolverhampton. This was Whiteoaks Julian Flower, which is currently giving 38 litres a day in the 70 cow Windyridge herd.
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