Vaderstad launches biggest Carrier cultivator yet

Vaderstad has launched a 9.25m Carrier cultivator – its largest yet. It has an integral crossboard and has been designed to work on ploughed land or direct into stubbles at speed.

Weighing nearly 10t, the Carrier 925 has the same folding mechanism as the 12.25m version. Each of its 72 450mm conical-shaped discs is said to deliver 135kg of working pressure.

The crossboard consists of sprung steel tines, linked by a stabiliser bar, that are designed to aggressively crush coarse lumps. At the tip of the crossboard tine is an angled wearing plate that can be replaced when worn.

The Carrier 925 is also equipped with an electric depth stop, which means that the toolbar returns hydraulically to the pre-set depth when it is lowered back into work. During stubble cultivations the crossboard can be folded away out of work.

The press-hardened 600mm diameter steel rollers are designed to crush and press crop trash into the soil. Rubber suspension helps extend the life of the frame and roller and each roller is 50cm wider than the working width of the discs to ensure good levelling.

The Carrier 925 costs £64,225 and will be available for November delivery.

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