Farm Waste Regulations provide diversification options

With the introduction of new regulations, farm waste disposal has become a big issue for agricultural businesses. The recent Farm Waste event proved to be a ‘must-see’ occasion for more than a few farmers looking to hear about the latest developments.

The Agricultural Waste Regulations have been in force since May last year yet there is clearly still some way to go before the farming industry is perhaps totally au fait with what is actually required it.

Which also explains the high attendance at the Farm Waste event – there is clearly a need for farmers to learn how they should comply with the regulations.

And helping to encourage attendance was the fact that farmers have only until the 15th May to register any exemptions they may be eligible for – such as using tyres to hold down sheeting on a silage clamp, for example.

The new waste disposal regulations have also helped to create a new industry – waste collection services which are now offered by a number of different companies. There is, of course, a cost to the farm business for this collection service which, depending on company and the type of service offered, can range from 20p – 80p and acre.

Given time for the waste collection business to mature, it may be that a more standard scale of charges will emerge but, in the mean time, comparing prices would appear to be a worthwhile exercise.

Plastic waste – for which UK farms are reported to produce over 200,000 tonnes each year – may be the main focus for collection services, but there are also other products such as tyres, cardboard and hazardous chemicals to consider.

The Farm Waste event saw the launch of several new bits of kit and services:

LSM Waste Baler

Rotochopper woodchipper

Field Chemicals collection service

Due to its unprecendented sucess, another Farm Waste event will take place on 3rd May at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern – watch this space more details.



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