Techneat improves accuracy of Outcast slug pelleters

Techneat GPS controller

Techneat is to offer a new GPS-based rate controller on its sprayer-mounted slug pellet applicators.

The move should improve accuracy and provide better control of the Outcast V2 unit that was previously only available with headland or sectional on/off through a basic control system unrelated to forward speed.

The new GPS rate controller is compatible with the firm’s three-way section control options.

See also: Video: How to calibrate your slug pellet spreader

An in-cab control box manages the section valves and automatically reduces the speed of the metering unit proportionately as the valves open and close.

This means that the application rate of the slug pellets should be much more accurate in relation to forward speed and the rate remains correct when one or two sectional valves are closed.

Techneat says this improvement is particularly important given that many contractors and large-scale farmers are now using the Outcast V2 to spread pellets at 36m.

Interested buyers can expect to pay upwards of £7,751 for the package of spreader and rate controller.

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