Samson adds strip-till injector for row crops

Samson is adding a strip-till injector to its implement range this season for use on the back of its tankers.

The kit was developed in response to phosphorus regulations introduced in Denmark and Germany in August 2017, which set a new limits for phosphorus applications and require farmers to record when and where it is applied in both organic and commercial fertilisers.

Two models are available: the Strip-Till 6 has a 4.5m working width and can be added to Samson’s PGII 18 and PGII 20 tankers, while the Strip-Till 8 is 6m wide and works on tri-axle Samson tankers.

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The system can be used in ground conditions from ploughed fields to fresh stubble and Samson says it requires up to 30hp per row.

An integrated disc with cleaning wheel lifts the soil and creates a V-shaped opening in the ground where the specially designed slurry nozzles penetrate, injecting in two lines around 200-300mm deep. The disc then closes the gap.

A parallelogram hitch gives precise depth control for each row and means slurry is always placed at the required height.

The new Strip-Till models will be available through the Samson dealer network for delivery starting this autumn.

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