Andrew Kerr

23 March 2001

Andrew Kerr

Andrew Kerr farms 344ha

(850 acres) in partnership

with his parents and brother

at Wyldingtree Farm, North

Weald, Essex. Cropping is

potatoes, including some

on rented ground, plus

cereals, herbage seed and

oilseed rape

Andrew Kerr farms 344ha

(850 acres) in partnership

with his parents and brother

at Wyldingtree Farm, North

Weald, Essex. Cropping is

potatoes, including some

on rented ground, plus

cereals, herbage seed and

oilseed rape for details of grants and systems available.

The much hoped for dry spring is proving slow to materialise. Field activity has so far been limited to applying liquid fertiliser on second wheat and oilseed rape.

Even that was nearly thwarted when the fertiliser mixer pump decided to throw a wobbly and I was somewhat concerned when the British pump manufacturer quoted a nonchalant six to eight weeks to supply replacement parts. But thanks to Peter Eaden and Spraytec we found an alternative supplier. &#42

The budget did little to excite, says Essex grower Andrew Kerr who suggests a switch to LPG to cut farm vehicle running costs could be well worthwhile.

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