Archive Article: 2000/03/17

17 March 2000

John Best

John Best farms 320ha from

Acton House Farm,

Pointspass, Co Down.

Wheat, conservation-grade

oats and potatoes are the

main crops on his 220ha of

clay loam arable land

ALL of the oats have gone and the final yield was 7t/ha (2.8 t/acre).

Considering they were grown on a conservation grade contract that is fairly acceptable. Hectolitre weight was variable even though they came out of the same pile, with the early loads at 53kg/hl and final deliveries up to 55kg/hl.

Ground conditions are still too wet for field work but the mild weather has encouraged some growth, especially in the Barra oats. Early tillers are approaching first node and due to its mildew susceptibility it will shortly get an application of Fortress (quinoxyfen).

The trial plot of Hyno Santa hybrid wheat continues to impress in both colour and ground cover.

Compound fertiliser applications will start as soon as ground conditions improve, hopefully in the next few days. Soil analyses indicate quite high P levels and average K levels, so much of the fertiliser will be based on a 0-16-36 compound tailored to field needs. I do not plan to apply any N until April, since all crops are well developed.

A trip to Newcastle University with my youngest son for an interview in the Agriculture faculty left me with some optimism. Over half last years Agriculture graduates wanted to stay in agriculture and all have found employment in the industry. So at least my son will be able to get a job and support the farm that way when he leaves.

Recent sheep prices have provided an overdue lift to the farming budget, with 24kg hoggetts making £48.20 a fortnight ago and 22kg animals making £52.80 last week. They cost £22 a head in December and were fed on a chopped straw, whole wheat and soya-based ration. Provided prices remain strong until the end of the month we will have made a profit.

Beef has not seen the same lift as shown by the lamb prices but the trade is still steady. &#42

John Best is pretty pleased with final weights of conservation grade oats and lamb prices at Acton House Farm, Co Down.

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