Archive Article: 2000/03/24

24 March 2000

A NEW free MAFF publication, Opportunities for saving money by reducing waste on your farm, a government consultation paper due on regulating agricultural waste, and the threat of a pesticide tax show pesticide waste control and management are still on the political agenda.

Avoiding further legal restriction is partly in farmers hands, says Patrick Goldsworthy of the British Agrochemicals Association. Do a good job, demonstrate it to government and the threat of a pesticide tax may go away once and for all, he suggests.

Key pointers for this spring are:

Avoid pesticide waste

lDo not over-order product.

lKeep accurate stock records.

lReturn surplus full packs where possible.

Minimise packaging

lUse dissolvable sachets if available, the largest convenient pack size and the lowest efficacious dose.

lConsider co-formulations.

lUse multi-trip refillable containers if available.

Clean containers before disposal

lCompletely empty packs into induction filler or sprayer tank.

lIf possible, leave foil seals partly attached for rinsing.

lTriple-rinse empty packs – 20% fill with clean water, recap, vigorously shake for 20 seconds, add rinsings to sprayer. Repeat twice more. After third rinse drain for at least 30 seconds while agitating.

lAlternatively, induction pressure-rinse empty packs, allowing at least 20 seconds of clean water rinse time per pack. Move the pack vigorously up and down and in a circular motion. Ensure neck and handle are cleaned.

lLoosely recap containers.

lPlace upright in cardboard outer.

lIncinerate as soon as possible or store securely according to "Green Code".

Pack incineration – if collection scheme not available

lCheck pack can be burnt.

lUse the BAA developed 210-litre (45gal) oil drum incinerator for high temperature clean burning fire.

lRemove caps, adding them, packs and boxes in a steady flow. Do not leave unattended. &#42

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