Archive Article: 2000/09/29

29 September 2000

Stewart Hayllor

Stewart Hayllor farms 343ha

(850 acres) of owned and

rented land from Blackler

Barton, Landscove, Devon,

growing cereals and

combinable breaks. Organic

vegetables occupy 24ha

(60 acres) and a further

160ha (400 acres) is farmed

on contract

WHEAT harvest was finally finished on Sept 14 and despite the lateness and amount of rain that had fallen on the crop, quality and yield were still good. The combine went straight on into the winter beans, which came off at 18% moisture with a good clean sample yielding 4.1 tonne/ha (1.7t/acre).

Winter lupins were next to be cut. These had received no inputs, as we were keen to see if we could grow them organically, and with no chance of sunshine ripening them off naturally in the field, we cut them at 35- 45% moisture. They combined easily enough and gave a pleasing yield of 5.2t/ha (2.1t/acre) when adjusted to 10% moisture. With plenty of other work to be getting on with, 14ha (35 acres) of linseed still to be cut will have to wait for some good sunshine.

Cropping for harvest 2001 will include a greatly increased area of lupins as a source of homegrown protein. Pronto and Gemini oilseed rape has been drilled into tine cultivated wheat stubble at a seed rate of 60 seeds/sq m, followed by the rolls and slug pellets. Savannah and Claire will be the main varieties of wheat with a smaller area of Soissons included because I always enjoy combining it. Beans, oats and barley will also be grown.

Potato harvesting has just started, with the first 2ha (5ac) of organic Cara yielding very well at 52t/ha (21t/acre). The bottom end of the field lies fairly wet so the sooner we get them safely in the barn the better.

In the same field we have 3.2ha (8 acres) of Remarka which will be next to be lifted but test digs show this to be yielding only 35t/ha (14t/acre), probably because it was hit with blight and defoliated earlier. This year is the first time we have used a flameweeder after topping off the potatoes. It has been very good in keeping the ridges clean and will certainly be used again next year. &#42

Stewart Hayllor has drilled next years oilseed rape and is lifting organic potatoes at Gullaford Farm, Devon.

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