Archive Article: 2001/12/14

14 December 2001

Wheat challenge plots show profit potential

Will your wheat make money this year? It could, judging by the results of the Lloyds Bank Farmer Group Challenge competition held on the Cereals 2001 site.

Despite the difficult season all the teams coaxed and cajoled their crops back into the black. At a profit margin of £26.21/t, the winning team Littlington Discussion Group would be smiling, if not laughing, on their way to the bank.

Admittedly, these were only plots. Plus the problem on many farms was the wheat that was not grown, rather than the wheat crop that was planted last season.

Nevertheless, the winning team underlined the importance of keen cost control, judicious use of inputs, and, most significantly, the ability to spot and take an above budget price. Follow their example and that really would lead to a prosperous New Year.

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