BOCM throws foot-and-mouth lifeline
By Olivia Cooper
FEED company BOCM Pauls has launched a scheme to help farmers return to production after foot-and-mouth.
The Business Planning Service was designed with regional Farmer Focus Groups, which identified key areas of help needed.
Cattle marketing manager, David Forbes, expects about 70% of farmers affected by foot-and-mouth will return to farming, which has already affected many of BOCMs 15,000 beef, sheep and dairy customers.
“We depend on the symbiotic relationship with our farmers,” he says. “Without a future in farming, we have no future either.”
Key parts of the scheme include a detailed review of the farm system prior to foot-and-mouth and a “what-if” profit model which allows farmers to view the financial implications of the different farming options available.
A national re-stocking register is being compiled, but sellers are limited, and the company advises farmers to enlist with a national network to ease demand.
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