Breeding values underestimated

28 April 2000

Breeding values underestimated

in early years

PURCHASED ram values are most often underestimated after two years in a nucleus flock and their early performance records should be treated with caution.

Ioan Ap Dewi of the University of Wales in Bangor, says a study of animals bought in to the CAMDA co-operative breeding group nucleus flock showed breeding values were being underestimated in the first and second lambing years.

"But thats the period when you want to make decisions about rams sons."

Dr Ap Dewi believes that producers need to take steps to address the accuracy of breeding values in a rams first two years in order that it more accurately reflects the result achieved after six years.

"Producers should treat initial results with caution because they may not be a true reflection of what that animal is capable of," he says. &#42

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