Cause of F&Mcrisis?
Cause of F&Mcrisis?
CLAIMS that smuggled meat could be responsible for foot-and-mouth merit serious consideration, say two leading scientists.
"Illegal meat imports would be top of my list of suspected sources for foot-and-mouth," says Joe Brownlie, Prof of Veterinary Pathology at the Royal Veterinary College, Herts. "No one should be complacent about the threat to both animal and human health."
The foot-and-mouth virus can survive for up to six months in dried meats such as ham, says Prof Brownlie.
"We need more strict checking of illegal animal products at airports, particularly from countries which have a high level of endemic diseases such as foot-and-mouth."
In addition to animal diseases, he also warned that the devastating human disease Ebola could also reach Britain in consignments of smuggled meat. "The likelihood is slim but once Ebola becomes established, this horrendous disease can spread rapidly. "
Dr Andrew James, director of the Veterinary Epidemiology and Veterinary Research Unit at Reading University, believes punitive fines should be imposed on people who import meat illegally.
"Commercial meat imports are conducted to high EU standards but personal illegal meat imports are a major risk factor in spreading diseases such as foot-and-mouth."
The risk was high from meat products imported by UK nationals or expatriates from Africa and South America, he adds.
Ghana Air 2000 and Nigeria Airways both deny significant quantities of meat are smuggled into Heathrow. Despite repeated requests, MAFF has been unable to supply any information.
African foot-and-mouth
09-Feb-01; South Africa and Swaziland
08-Dec-00; Mauritania
03-Nov-00; Namibia
29-Sept-00; Egypt
01-Sept-00; Zambia
09-Jun-00; Malawi
04-Feb-00; Zimbabwe