China is target for malting barley

By Olivia Cooper

BEER-DRINKERS in China could provide an important new market for UK malting barley, as consumption is forecast to double in the next 10 years.

Increasing westernisation of China means beer consumption is set to rise by 5-10% every year for the next 10 years.

Demand is currently met by imports from Australia and Canada.

But the Home-Grown Cereals Authority has done a lot of work in conjunction with the industry to promote UK barley.

The UK broke into the Chinese market for the first time last year.

The country exported 16,000t to the new WTO member, which will be obliged to remove import tarriffs as part of that membership.

Growing demand to South Africa is another potential destination, after a 25,000t cargo of Optic was sold earlier this year.

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