Combinable crop organic venture

7 September 2001

Combinable crop organic venture

A NEW joint venture to market organic combinable crops across the UK has been announced by Grainfarmers, formerly SCATS Grain, and the Organic Arable Marketing Group.

The merged marketing arms will trade about 8000t, or 25%, of the UKs organic combinable crop tonnage this autumn.

OAMG, based in Newbury, Berks, has 25 farmer members growing 6500t of organic combinable crops. That tonnage should climb quickly – about 200 of the 4000 Grainfarmers members are in organic conversion, and there is scope for more to follow, says Grainfarmers managing director, Tim Pollock. About 65% of the total UK demand for organic combinable crops, which amounts to 80,000-100,000t a year, is being met by imports, mainly from Australia, Canada and eastern Europe.

"A lot of processors want UK organic produce, but do not know where to get it," says OAMG director, John Newman. "This move will enable long-term contracts to be put in place." &#42

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