Currencies and grain trading
- £1=DM2.761 / FFr9.256 / $1.672
- FOB Rouen December wheat value: FFr 745.00 (£80.48)
- Chicago December wheat at close: $2.62 (£:57.50)
- 170,000t of free-market wheat at Ecu32.47;
- 29,000t wheat for the ACP countries at Ecu37.87.
This level of restitution values French wheat at approx US$104 (£62.20), which represents a drop of £9 per tonne in the last five weeks.
UK futures finished lower yesterday, following French and US values. Consumers are looking hard at February/March positions, as levels are at the bottom end of the recent range.
Prices at Thursdays
values, £/tonne, ex-farm:
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