Dairy merger plus

29 March 2002

Dairy merger plus

FARMERS could be set to benefit from the merger announced this week between the Dairy Industry Federation and the National Dairymens Association.

Jim Begg, formerly in charge at DIF and now director general at the fledgling 1300-member Dairy Industry Association Limited, also known as DIAL, says the new organisation will be working more closely with milk producers.

"It will be moving away from the more confrontational issues of the past. There is now the opportunity to move forward on common issues." These could include closer collaboration over supply chain issues, and promotional and educational schemes, he said.

The merger will join together the 64 members of DIF, who account for 90% of liquid milk processing in the UK, with the members of the NDA who come from all sectors of the industry but with emphasis on doorstep delivery. &#42

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