Drugs crackdown

13 October 2000

Drugs crackdown

IMPORTED vet medicines are coming under increasing scrutiny from the Veterinary Medicines Directive.

It warns that it is illegal to import and use drugs that are not authorised for use in the UK. Barry Haycraft, from the VMDs licensing policy department, says vet medicines must be obtained legally and be a UK authorised product.

Such products bear the letters Vm or PL followed by a five-digit code. Only vet medicines that display an authorisation number or products displaying a code with the prefix EU – which are authorised – may be used in the UK, says the VMD.

"We are aware there are imports going on and investigations are currently under way," says Mr Haycraft.

The VMD is currently aware of imports from Ireland, France, Australia, the USA and Continental Europe.

Products used within the UK must have a UK datasheet, he says. "Imported products may be an identical product but dosage rates and the withdrawal period, for instance, may be different."

Imports are identified in several ways – through Customs and Excise, through Irish authorities or, in some cases, vets.

Investigations into imported products are under way, with 55 cases awaiting legal action.

If parties are found guilty, the maximum penalty is £5000 or six months imprisonment.

he adds, and further infringements will bring stiffer penalties.

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