Dry-mix best with eyespot granule job

6 March 1998

Dry-mix best with eyespot granule job

MIXING new eyespot fungicide Unix (cyprodinil) is better done with dry granules than a pre-mixed slurry, says Novartis.

Farmer experience with granules suggested dry mixing worked better than pre-mixing, saving time and giving a better mix, explains Novartis applications specialist Tom Robinson.

On sprayers with an induction hopper put dry granules in the first, then flush through with water to give a faster, more effective mix of the product into the spray tank. On sprayers without a hopper add granules at the beginning of the filling operation when agitation is strongest, he advises.

"In France, where Unix has been available for several seasons, conventional mixing was not considered ideal. In our experience this approach works well, even in damp conditions."

The dry technique is particularly safe as the product is easy to measure, there is less risk of operators being splashed and the container can be quickly and effectively rinsed ready for safe disposal, Mr Robinson says.

Novartis has sought an amendment to the product label to allow the new approach to granule mixing. It hopes it will clear the Pesticide Safety Directorates systems in time for spring applications.

Although the approach differs from conventional granule mixing advice, it is not unique to Unix, Mr Robinson adds. "Novartis is happy to provide the lead to other manufacturers to adopt this same technique."

Filling techniques may need a rethink this spring with the arrival of the latest eyespot fungicide.

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