Early-drilled wheat yields well

15 August 2001

Early-drilled wheat yields well

INTO the first full day of wheat harvest on Wednesday (15 August), Adrian Howell, farm manager for the Proctor Brothers at Long Sutton, near Spalding on the Lincolnshire, reports that yields are high so far. They started wheat on Saturday.

Claire and Equinox have yielded 11t/ha (4.5t/acre) which is above average for the heavy silt farm. “These crops are first crops and were drilled early after peas and potatoes.” He expects the later drilled wheat crops, as late as March, to yield substantially less.

Specific weights are 73Kg/hl for Claire and 70KG/hl for Equinox and these are low. Quality is a concern with some of the crop sprouting in the ear.

Oilseed rape harvest was finished two weeks ago. Gemini and Pronto yielded slightly higher than Escort. Average over the farm was 4.25t/ha (1.7t/acre), above the usual average for the farm.

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