Rip Up Red Tape: Work gets under way
Work has already begun on looking at ways to streamline regulations surrounding some of farmers’ biggest red-tape gripes.
Richard Macdonald, head of DEFRA’s Taskforce on Farming Regulation, said he had started looking at ways to simplify rules in six areas which had been repeatedly mentioned by farmers as being a blight on their work.

While DEFRA’s consultation on red tape does not come to an end until 31 October, Mr Macdonald said the taskforce was already collecting evidence about animal movements and the six-day rule, dairy hygiene regulations and Nitrate Vulnerable Zone rules.
Cross compliance, the Meat Hygiene Service and implementation of European Union fruit and vegetable regime were also under review.
The Taskforce’s Big Six |
Mr Macdonald said the six areas had topped the list of farmers’ red tape complaints since the consultation was launched earlier this month.

“They are issues I know people want us to address, so why wait for three months to look at ways to deal with them?
“I want ideas around all legislation, but if people have particular thoughts about these six areas we want to hear them,” he said. “I’m really happy with the ideas that are coming through. We are beginning to get some very specific thoughts from farmers and the industry.
“I’m particularly pleased people are offering solutions to their problems as well. It’s early days, but I want to say thanks to Farmers Weekly readers for their contributions so far.”

How to have your say

• You can submit your suggestions of the red tape you would like to see ripped up here.
• You can also write to: Task Force on Farming Regulation Area, 8D Millbank, DEFRA, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR
• Alternatively you can post your suggestions on the Farmers Weekly forums or send us a letter
• You have until Sunday 31 October to get in touch