Farmers software solution

14 December 2001

Farmers software solution

FOR most farmers 385ha (950 acres) of combinable crops is enough to keep them occupied throughout the year.

But North Yorkshire grower Charles Collinson has also developed a thriving agricultural software business over the past four years. He now has over 400 customers, some as far away as New Zealand.

His approach is to supply the software farmers need and can use, at an affordable price. None of his packages exceed £50, some are free, and there is a maximum support charge of £30 a year.

"I started writing software commercially in 1997, when all the technology suddenly became much more affordable. But the prices being charged by specialist farming software companies did not fall, and to my mind remained too high."

Having previously written software for the family farm at Thirsk, he was confident he could produce simple programs growers could use with minimal support. A commission from a local farming business to write an arable package further encouraged him to start the business.

There are now four Field Track modules – Client, Business Manager, Agronomist and Map Measure. All can be downloaded from the Field Track web-site and tried before purchase, so growers can be sure they have the required features.

The Client module provides gross margin recording, Business Manager is for budgeting, Agronomist for agronomy and field recording and Map Measure for mapping and measuring field areas.

"We operate a full money back guarantee," says Mr Collinson. "It is not in our interest to have customers who are not happy in any way."

Together with his brother, Mr Collinson also grows winter wheat, barley, oilseed rape and sugar beet. He admits to working long days, but points out that customers tend to be busy with fieldwork at the same time as he is.

"I am often asked how my software compares with other packages. My intention is to be able to offer all the features that are found on competing software, but without adversely affecting the price. And as upgrades are free, existing customers never have to pay twice."

He dismisses criticism that his prices are too cheap. "The Field Track prices are on par with other general commercial software. It is only when they are compared to specialist farming software that a big difference is seen. I think farmers are paying too much."

Field Track programs are sold via the Internet, by word of mouth and through distributors. &#42

Yorks farmer Charles Collinson writes low cost software tailored to the needs of practical producers.


&#8226 Yorks farmer + IT enthusiast.

&#8226 Field Track software range.

&#8226 Client, business manager, agronomist and map measure modules.

&#8226 Modules £50 max, some free, maximum support cost £30 a year.

&#8226 Other specialist software "too costly".


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