NEARLY all kids food is junk, according to new research from The Food Commission. It reveals that for every healthy product targeted at children, there are more than 10 others which are "nutritional disasters" with high levels of saturated fat, sugar or salt.
"If manufacturers were trying to undermine childrens health, they could hardly be more effective," says co-author Dr Tim Lobstein.
In practice, the situation could be even worse than this suggests as confectionery, soft drinks and crisps were not among the 358 products tested.
But fast food can be fun and nutritious, reckons organic farmer Helen Browning, Eastbrook Farm, Bishopstone, Wilts, recently named Producer of the Year by BBC Radio 4s Food programme.
And, in a bid to prove the point, she has launched a new range of organic meat products aimed at youngsters. The products – now on sale in nearly 100 Sainsbury stores – include organic meat cakelets and organic sausages lightly seasoned with spices and honey.
"It offers a guilt-free option for parents while appealing to children who can be reluctant to grapple with meat and two veg," she says.
"With increasing pressure on parents time and the greater availability of cheaper processed foods, it is inevitable that childrens eating habits have slipped over the last 30 years." Tim Relf
Childs play… Beef cakelets, lightly seasoned and blended with organic veg, are one of Helen Brownings new products.