Feed guides to aid traceability

26 September 1997

Feed guides to aid traceability

DEMANDS for improved traceability of feeds saw two feed guides launched at the event.

These were Dalgetys Definitive Guide to Feed Ingredients in Cattle and Sheep Rations, compiled by Dalgety and ADAS, and the Feeds Directory from Context, compiled by feed expert Wes Ewing.

While Dalgety defended the case against inclusion of nutrient values because of variability, Dr Ewing listed 52 nutrient specifications, including protein breakdowns and mineral content.

His book listed 114 feeds in an easy-to-handle size, and a full colour product fold out to identify feeds in store. The Feeds Directory costs £19.50.

Dalgetys feed guide will be supplied free to those with genuine interest, said Dalgety. It contains 64 ingredients that could be used in its ration formulations.

"Alongside our Feed Passport Scheme it represents our commitment to quality and transparency in feed manufacture. We hope it will give farmers a good insight into what they are really getting in their feeds," said Dalgetys Janice Harland. The pocket-sized guide states what each ingredient is, its source, its appearance and main strengths and weaknesses.

But one researcher at the show said it was a Dalgety smoke-screen to cover up for not listing % ingredients. When looking to use alternative sources of protein it was important to know the content of protein not just that a product was rich in energy and protein.

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