FFAsuccessful in milk talks

2 June 2000

FFAsuccessful in milk talks

FARMERS For Actions determined campaign to get all parts of the "milk chain" round a table is bearing fruit – thanks to help from the farmers Union of Wales and the Scottish NFU.

According to FFA spokesman Dave Handley a forum will take place this month. "We want everyone – supermarkets, milk processors, and Office of Fair Trading – to sit round a table with us to find a formula which will allow all parts of the chain to make a fair living. The meeting is being organised by FUW.

Meanwhile rumours that Richard Haddock has been "thrown out" of FFA have been forcefully denied by spokesman, Dave Handley. "These rumours have been circulating recently particularly in Wales. They are malicious and must be coming from some organisation wishing to poison his or our credibility."

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