21 December 2001



Thank you to our young readers for all your entries in the

Childrens Christmas Art Competition. This years theme

Christmas Dinner meant different things to different children

so there was a broad range of interpretations, styles and sizes.

The standard was amazingly high – a generation of gifted

artists is obviously growing up in rural areas. Please dont be

too disappointed if youre not among these 10 winners – we

enjoyed seeing all your work and the judges had a really tough

time picking the winners. Each of the winning artists wins a

lovely toboggan which will bring loads of winter fun


The 10 winners each win a great toboggan. The eights-and-unders get a Snow Car 4×4 de Luxe worth £59 each, while those in the older age bracket win a Davoser Rodel 100 which has the same value. Both are available from Devon-based Super Tramp. Anyone wanting more information about their products can ring 01884-841305 or check out the web-site

This bright and cheery entry comes from four-year-old Hannah Kinston of Rosliston, Swadlincote, Derby. It shows the family around the table, the plates full of delicious goodies and bears the cheerful, simple message Merry Christmas 2 U.

This farmhouse kitchen scene was drawn by eight-year-old Lewis Knell Jones from Elan Valley, Rhayader, Powys. The pots simmering away on the Aga, the turkey ready to be carved and the part-poured bottle of drink are so reminiscent of Christmas dinner. The judges loved the kitchen details, too – the books on shelves, the cupboards and the radio on the wall.

What a lovely idea from 10-year-old Sandy Shaban of Draycott, Cheddar, Somerset – Santa using a tractor to deliver Christmas dinner! On his trailer is a cracker and, inside it, is a delicious steaming hot turkey. We also like the way the message Merry Christmas is spelt out in the tractors exhaust fumes. Santa, meanwhile, is bellowing Ho, Ho, Ho and an onlooker is yelling back "I want some!"

Its good to see the reindeer dont miss out on Christmas dinner in this one from 11-year-old Leanne Norman from Bathelton, Taunton, Somerset. Three reindeer are tucking in with Santa and, presumably, Mrs Claus. The reindeer are licking their lips – and looking at the turkey, the bowl of gravy and the vegetables on the table, who can blame them! Obviously this is one house where the animals arent forgotten – a cat and a mouse are also feasting under the table.

This one came from five-year-old Sophie Blackmore of Bittadon, Barnstable, Devon. We like the happy people, wearing their party hats and tucking into the food with enjoyment. Like many entries, it featured a lot of glitter. A great effort from such a young girl.

Seven-year-old Christopher Spensley, who lives at Elslack, North Yorks, sent this one called Christmas on a Plate. It is a lovely 3D creation made in the shape of a table place setting, incorporating everything that Christmas is about. On the plate is a snowman, presents, a tree, a stocking and a robin and next to it are a serviette and plastic knife, fork and spoon. Its carefully and lovingly put together. Well done, Christopher – a tremendously original idea.

The detail in this one from nine-year-old Emily Harris of Cottesbrooke, Northampton is exquisite. Its carefully coloured with felt pens and shows a real eye for detail – the stockings on the fire all have names on and look at that lovely snowy sky outside the window. Santa and Rudolph obviously get to eat their Christmas dinner after all the presents have been safely delivered!

This 3D entry from eight-year-old Rosemary Palmer of Hungarton, Leicester impressed the judges with its imaginative use of materials. The fully-laid Christmas table – featuring an appetising-looking Christmas pudding – is seen through a cardboard window. Theres even a brown cat made from a pipe cleaner sitting in front of a roaring fire.

This entry from 13-year-old Laura Irving of Kirklinton, Carlisle, Cumbria had great humour value and made us all chuckle. Not quite ready reads the slogan across the top and, below it, is a bird – not yet ready to be eaten! Its simple, clear and bold.

A well-fed man snatches a few minutes sleep after eating a hearty Christmas dinner in this delightful picture from 13-year-old Catrin Evans of Llanfihangel, Powys. We love its vivid, lifelike characteristics and attention to detail – in the background is a part-eaten turkey. The man is obviously so tired and full, hes dozed off even before hes had a chance to pull his cracker!

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