Flaming good organic option

3 December 1999

Flaming good organic option

THERMAL weeding is the best option for large-scale organic potato production, according to a study by Aberdeen Universitys Centre for Organic Agriculture.

"The flamer looks to be the most cost effective option," says researcher Audrey Litterick.

Mulching offers a higher level of control, notably on grassweeds and post-emergence, but the cost is likely to be prohibitive on a large-scale (see table).Cultivation is cheaper, but highly dependent on operator skill and weather to achieve good control.

"And crop damage from cultivation is always more," she adds.

However, organic standards may prohibit the use of burning on the grounds that the use of non-renewable energy sources is against organic principles, she notes.

Organic weed control



Rolling cultivator 45

Harrow & re-ridge 30

Single bed flamer

(1.8m) 109

Double bed flamer

(3.6m) 127

Paper mulch 662

Black plastic mulch 1140

based on a single pass

See more