Free cross-compliance guidance
A SERIES OF free farm walks to demonstrate the management practices farmers should follow to meet cross-compliance conditions are to be held throughout England.
The DEFRA-funded walks have been set up by the Momenta consortium – a group of farming organisations, including LEAF, The Game Conservancy Trust, The Arable Group and Farmcare.
Events will be held throughout England from May 24 until the autumn and are expected to prove popular, said the consortium’s cross compliance specialist, David Gardner.
“All of the hot and topical issues will be covered on a ‘walk and talk’ basis using local cross-compliance specialist advisers and will enable small farmer groups to observe, discuss and receive bespoke guidance.”
Soil management planning, waterlogged soils, field margin management and the protection of hedgerows and watercourses will be key areas of focus for the walks.
“Advisors will also reiterate your responsibilities as the landowner, tenant or land manager in the case of contractors for ensuring compliance conditions are met, a common area of confusion,” he said.
For dates and locations of the farm walks and to book a place, call 0845 345 1302 or visit