Harper looks to boost produce jobs
25 January 2001
Harper looks to boost produce jobs
By FWi staff
RESEARCH is being carried out to find ways to make the fresh produce industry more attractive to jobseekers.
Harper Adams University College has launched a one year investigation into ways of boosting the industrys image so that recruitment can be improved.
Post-graduate Susan Howson will carry out two phases of research.
Phase one will establish the image of the fresh produce industry by surveying sixth formers and students as well as careers advisors and recruitment agencies.
The second phase will then develop a campaign programme to be targeted at schools and higher education establishments.
“I think the industry has a very poor image. A lot of people think of it as a hands-on, practical, out-in-the-field sort of job,” said Miss Howson.
“We are trying to prove there is more to it than that and convey there are job opportunities within the industry.”
Within the industry there are many different careers such as quality control or sales and marketing, she added.
The studentship was offered in conjunction with the Institute of Grocery Distribution, Lantra, Hazelwood VHB and the Eric Gardener Memorial Fund.