Hybrids out-yield conventional varieties

6 August 2001

Hybrids out-yield conventional varieties

HYBRID varieties have been out-yielding conventional oilseed varieties this year, according to Ian Pugh of United Oilseeds.

Generally yields are below average. He estimates 85-90% of the crop has been cut in the south.

The Gemini hybrid has performed the best. “Where Gemini and conventional varieties have grown side by side in poor conditions, Gemini has out yielded those varieties.”

He dismisses problems of pod set in the variety, “There will be variable pod set due to the poor conditions, but the variety have compensated well.”

Yields in general are lower due to winter conditions. A good yield this year is about 2.5t/ha (1t/acre), while farmers in the south generally average 3.5-4t/ha (1.4-1.6t/acre).

“There is a two way split. Where crops have stood in water through the winter farmers have been disappointed, but it was expected.

“On lighter land, mostly chalk Downs, farmers have been extremely pleased and yields have often been above average.”

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