IENICA project

21 February 1997

IENICA project

REPRESENTATIVES from 14 EU member states were in Wolver-hampton this week for the launch of the Interactive European Net-work for Industrial Crops and their Applications (IENICA) project.

The three-year scheme, coordinated by ADAS, has been funded to the tune of £333,600 by the European Commission.

Melvyn Askew, IENICA project coordinator, said the project would develop an integrated network within the EU industrial crops sector, linking key individuals from industry, government and science in all member states.

"It will use the network to identify and create scientific, industry and market opportunities for specific industrial crops or applications.

"And it will identify the strengths of each EU member state in order to maximise the efficiency of funding for industrial crops and encourage industrial and scientific collaboration," he said. &#42

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