Import of: D:WebProjectsFarmersWeeklyAdminFP01Archive131006FW176394.txt
JOURNAL : Farmers Weekly
SUBJECT : wine
SECTION : Business
ISSUE DATE : 13/09/06
COPYRIGHT : Free reuse
CAPTION: Vintage year for English wine
Oliver Minkley picks the 2006 crop of Seyval Blanc grapes at Peter Hall’s Breaky Bottom vineyard near Lewes, East Sussex. The six-acre vineyard was established in 1974 and Breaky Bottom wine was served at the last G8 summit at Gleneagles, Scotland. Mr Hall’s Champagne-method sparkling wine retails for ÂŁ16.99 a bottle. “Good weather at flowering in late June and early July has made for a good crop,” said Mr Hall. Julia Trustram-Eve of English Wine Producers said: “We’re only half-way through harvesting, but we have reports that it has been a bumper crop. That’s very exciting – soaring sales of English wine means we need more of it.”