uAWARD winning West Country dessert firm Yeo Valley Organic has picked up further honours after receiving a Queens Award for Enterprise. According to managing director Graham Keating, the award recognises the firms encouragement of environmentally friendly farming techniques for both milk and fruit supplies. "We have always tried to think differently about the way we do business, combining an organic ethos with streamlined efficiency to give our suppliers sustained custom while paying a fair price for their produce."
uHOME-Grown Cereals Authority levy rates payable by arable growers, dealers and processors are to stay the same as last year. The HGCA board, including representatives from UKASTA and the NFU, recommended that the levy stay unchanged, a proposal that has since been approved by parliament. The cereal grower levy remains at 40p/t (plus 7p VAT). "This years harvest will be considerably down on last year, meaning that we will receive £1m less than the usual £10m-£11m," says HGCA finance director, Gordon Bennett. *