• THREE farmers who went along to the opening of a footpath by the Prime Minister in his constituency were granted a surprise 40 minute meeting at his home. Andrew Thompson and Bill Chrystal from Wingate and Phillip Young from Sedgefield, were invited to a meeting after they agreed not to ask questions during the event. The farmers reported that Mr Blair was well briefed and listened to their points and concerns.
• MILK consumption at a school in Cheshire has risen from six to 200 glasses a day after the opening of a milk bar by First Milk. The company has already opened a hundred milk bars in schools in Scotland but the one at Sandbach School is the first in England and Wales. Roger Evans, deputy chairman of First Milk said the milk bars presented an up-to-date image to enable milk to compete with other soft drinks. Consumption in Scotland is 25% higher than the rest of Britain.
• OVER a hundred farmers have applied to join Cornwall Quality Livestock after learning that members are eligible for a 50% grant for the purchase of livestock trailers. Speaking at the Royal Cornwall Show, CQLs marketing manager Clare Parnell said applications had increased since grants had been offered for the purchase of performance-recorded rams and bulls, handling and weighing equipment, and for computers and software to help management. *