22 February 2002


&#8226 THE deadline for woodland improvement grants at the impr-oved 75% rate, introduced in the wake of foot-and-mouth, has been extended by the Forestry Commis-sion by an extra year until Mar 10, 2003. New applications for the higher level of payment need to be submitted by the end of July. Claims agreed since April 2001 will also qualify. The deadline for prior agreements remains March 2002.

&#8226 DAIRY farmers needing extra quota to ensure their positions are adequately covered or to enable the release of milk cheques held by milk buyers should act soon. The deadline for submitting forms to the Rural Payments Agency for the transfer of leased quota is Mar 31, while paperwork for permanent transfer must be sent to the RPA by Mar 1.

&#8226 THE 2002 Suckler Cow Prem-ium Scheme quota national reserve application period will open on Mar 1 and run until Mar 28. But scheme administrator the Rural Payments Agency warns the supply of GB lowland and English Less Favoured Area quota for this years scheme is very low and all allocations are unlikely to be made.

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